Thursday, November 18, 2010

Mid-November Update

Well, it's been a while for an update and I apologize for that. That unknown health issue has complicated life again. I nearly passed out at work on friday night, was wheeled past my coworkers in a wheelchair and driven home by my mom and sister since I wasn't well enough to drive my own vehicle.

I haven't trained since. I've been working and resting trying to recover from this latest issue, which isn't far off from where I was in August and September.

As many of you know, I am stubborn as hell and refuse to give up or give in. I have a follow-up appointment in January. I am seeing a new doctor and starting over while not completely starting over. Same practice, new doctor. I do have a preliminary diagnosis, but I am not comfortable with divulging at this time. While I do have a preliminary diagnosis, it is not official or final, which is why I am not comfortable with divulging any more at this time.

I do plan to return to training as soon as I feel up to it, but I am trying to balance the training, work and my physical health. Please continue to follow and once I know more and I am comfortable with letting that info be more public, I will let you all know. Prayers are welcome and much appreciated.

Always remember, you never know until you tri.

Friday, November 5, 2010

October totals and Now November

First the October totals. I rode a lot of miles in October and funny thing is I will likely eclipse my October bike total next week.

October's totals:
Bike: 8h 27m 46s  - 107.64 Mi
Run: 50m 18s  - 2.58 Mi
Strength: 30m

2010 totals
Bike: 22h 19m 51s  - 286.15 Mi
Run: 1h 30m 18s  - 5.08 Mi
Swim: 1h 13m 41s  - 600 Yd
Strength: 30m

My November totals for running have already eclipsed my yearly totals for walk/jog training. I can tell that I am finally on the mend.
So lets update today's training first. At 10:30 this morning, I rode out from the church with my friend Sandra for a nice, brisk 23 mile ride. It was just over 50 degrees as we rolled out. Average pace shows as 12.3, but my gps rolls the clock if I don't pause for stretch stops, which brings the average down. After packing up the bikes, I met Sandra back at her house and we rode to the pool in her van and spent the next hour in the pool. Sandra is learning the crawl and how to breathe without inhaling the pool on the right side. After 53 minutes in the water, we were both worn out and headed home. I swam on Wednesday and the improvement between Wednesday and today was amazing.

November's totals:
Bike: 2h 41m  - 35.37 Mi
Run: 40m  - 2.5 Mi
Swim: 1h 13m 41s  - 600 Yd

Not bad for 2 months out from surgery. I have a ride planned for tomorrow and will be at about 60 miles for the month.

Saturday, October 30, 2010


Wow, was that a pleasant surprise this morning. I went out to my ride this morning planning to ride around 16-18 miles and relax this morning. I showed up at the ride and my partner told me that she was going 27 miles and my only other option this morning was a longer ride than 27 miles. I chose the 27 and forewarned my group that I would drop back on the hills and meet them at the top and recover. I don't normally ride this late in the year. Today's ride equalled my latest ride of the season, which was in 2005.

I haven't ridden further than 18 miles since the surgery on my right knee in Mid-September. I knew just from looking at the cue sheet that it would be a very difficult 27 mile ride for me. Hills are not really my friend right now, especially since I tore the scar tissue. I have one hill that has beat me every time in the last two weeks. I am starting to get mad about that. We only had a small group of 4 riders on the 27 mile route this morning, 3 women and one man. I had made it 16 miles in, including being chased by a particularly persistent dog. This hound chased me for close to a 1/4 mile. I was in the wrong gear, had forgot my dog spray at the house and finally just yelled at the dog to go home in my best alpha human voice and he actually listened. Only problem was that I was standing on my pedals in the wrong gear, going uphill and could not escape this dog. When I could finally drop gears and spin, I was really hurting!!! My quad was screaming. I stopped further up the road and stretched and was good to go again. Now, about that hill. This hill is a bugger for me normally even when I have a good base. The grade kicks up halfway up the hill and starts beating me up. Considering the previous 16 miles and the dog chasing me, I was toast halfway up. I had to stop. I stopped for a minute or two, caught my breath, stretched the quad AGAIN and hopped back on. My buddy Joe asked if I wanted him to help me up the hill and push. The last time I was pushed up a hill was 2005 and I told him the following, "I haven't been pushed up a hill in 5 years and don't intend to start now!! Thank you, but at this point, it's a matter of pride and I refuse to walk up a hill or be pushed up a hill that I know I can make it up.". I know that by November 20, I will make it up that hill without being pushed or having to stop partway up and recover. The huge plus of the month of October is that with a 9 mile ride tomorrow, I will have my first 100 mile month all year. I have only ridden about 270 miles this year and 91.78 of those miles have been since October 1!! It is nice to ride and not feel my patella rub on my femur. The last two cycling seasons have been very painful and I am ecstatic to go into next season for Triathlon and cycling pain free!! I may finally be able to ride my Century and ride it pain free.

Last but not least, I should be hitting the pool in the next week or two and planning to pick up my wetsuit hopefully in February and start the open water training in late March or early April. Still walking instead of running, but that is right on track, so no worries. I'll post my October distances tomorrow night and update the November plan tomorrow night!!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Good or Bad

Yay!!! Back on the bike this morning after a week of resting and healing. I didn't realize how painful torn scar tissue can be. I rode today with a very good friend. We always try to push each other as well as encourage. I so enjoy riding with her that I hate being off the bike. Today's ride was a series of good and bad moments!!

The route today has one one of my least favorite climbs. It has a great downhill run into it, but the only problm was that as I geared down going up the hill, my gears wouldn't drop. So I had to stop on the uphill to fix the gears. I climbed back on the bike and started climbing and had more gear issues, nearly falling. Off the bike again and fixing gears, back on the bike and I can't get clipped and still in the wrong gear. Off the bike, drop all gears and back on again, finally moving forward, but couldn't clip my left foot because I was going so slow that if I sopped pedaling to clip that I would fall over. I was praying that my left shoe wouldn't slip off the pedal because I would be in just as much trouble. Finally crested the hill and recovered while spinning. After that we only dealt with one idiotic dump truck driver who passed us quite irresponsibly and nearly had a head-on with the SUV coming toasted us. Thankfully the SUV driver slowed down or it could have been ugly. We had a great tailwind for a good portion of the ride. The headwind was pretty gnarly at points, but we still made it and had fun.

The knee and quad are still pretty sore and more so following the ride and having a little fun with Sandra. We were kind of racing to the last hill and finish and I came out of the saddle and the area where the scar tissue tore told me that it was not a good idea to continue that course of action. I let Sandra go and took it easy at the end.

It was great to be on the road again, despite the discomfort and soreness. Tomorrow will be better.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Random thoughts and questions answered

Since I am still resting following the torn scar tissue, I figured I would answer some questions!!!

As a mom, I understand that trying to fit training in with my mom, wife and work obligations can sometimes be like herding cats. I have to first of all thank my wonderful husband!!! Without him, I would be unable to fit as much training into my week as I typically do. He is definitely a partner and my ultimate fan and cheerleader. We've been married for over 16 years and together for 18 years. He has always supported me in whatever I've done. There is no finer man or husband alive.

My ultimate fan (b) is my reason, motivation and inspiration for what I do. My daughter is the best nurse, cheerleader, critic and snuggler. I love to hear her little Minnie Mouse like voice while cycling or racing saying, "Go Mommy Go!!!"
She even does it while I am riding my trainer during the winter. She makes me want to do better for her. When I became a mother, It was very quickly apparent that I needed to be a good, healthy and strong role model for my girl. I want togive her a good example to follow as she grows and matures.

So, moving from there. I've realized that in order for me to be a good mom to my girl, I had to be good to myself as well. So many women lose themselves in the role of mom and forget that they are a person as well. If you don't take care of yourself, you are of a reduced value to your family. As a parent, a mother and a woman, I realize that this is MY RESPONSIBILITY!!! Not anyone elses.

So how do I fit training into my life along with mom stuff, wife stuff, church stuff and MS stuff. First of all, I do not set distance goals, I set time goals. I find it is a lot easier to fit in a 20 minute walk or 60 minute bike ride. I have found that it is easier to fit 20 minutes vs. trying to fit 1-2 miles in. It's the same for the bike. I plan out my bike time and see how far I go. It helps that I have the support that I do from my family. My parents help, my hubby helps and it makes it easier to me to plan and train without worrying about where my daughter is, who she is with. Thanks to everyone who helps in whatever way they can.

Last but definitely not least, my teammates. They push me when I need it and pull me when I just can't go any further. The fellowship of having such a great team and great friends is awesome.

Okay!! Hit me with your best shot. What questions are you just wanting to ask? Post them in the comments section or end a FB message. Enjoy your weekend and remember, You never know until you tri(y)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Well CRAP!!!

So today was supposed to be my last therapy session following my knee surgery. Everything was going great until the third set of my last exercise. I had done the most intense therapy session I have ever done and was excited that things were going so well. I made it through 2.5 laps of step lunges, but on the first lunge of the return lap, I had my right leg back as the trail leg, dropped into the lunge and felt something pop.... quite painfully so!!! I stopped there, went to my table for ice and to talk to my physical therapist. He believes that I tore some scar tissue, we won't know until we see how the knee and quad reacts. I am praying that it was only scar tissue because I would be really bummed to have to back off the training I have been doing.

Unfortunately, I am in quite a bit of pain. My therapist has eased my mind a little bit. He said scar tissue like every other tissue has a blood supply and nerves. He would be surprised if it was anything other than scar tissue. As I type this, I am sitting on the couch with the inverted margarita machine running and elevated on the leg ramp. What sucks is that we had family plans for this weekend and those are now in doubt. We had planned a trip to the zoo for Saturday, but that's a lot of walking, so if my knee swells or the pain doesn't abate, we aren't going!!

I was able to get two 15 minutes quick walks in today. Training plan only called for one. I also was able to get an upper body workout in prior to PT and one heck of a lower body workout at PT. I'll be sore tomorrow, but worse than that, my right quad/knee is questionable. Say a few prayers everyone.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Additional rest day and iMapMyRide+

Considering everything that I did this weekend with my husband, then working the fair booth most of the day today, I decided to rearrange this weeks training schedule. Today was an additional rest day and I will do today's walk tomorrow. Considering what I have gone through health-wise in the last couple of months, I need to be aware of and listen to what my body is telling me. I am enjoying seeing the physical changes, but I need to be careful not to screw myself up again.

Some people have asked me how I map and track my rides. I currently use iMapMyRide+ on my iPhone. I have a couple of complaints about it.
1. Battery Life - This app drains my battery life on the phone QUICKLY!!! Any more than a 1 hour ride and my battery is dragging the bottom of the barrel. This is a concern. God forbid that I ever actually need to make an emergency call, it sure wouldn't last all that long.

2. Tracking - As a woman, I am not too keen on people being able to track my ride in progress and have set my settings to post on completion of the ride. At the same time, I need my husband to be able to track me in case of emergency. I always tell him where I am riding, which route and when I anticipate being back from my ride. So do I err on the side of caution and keep my ride private until I finish or make it public so he can track me live. This is why I am praying that I get the Trakkers sponsorship. He would be able to track me and I'd feel more secure despite riding solo a lot.

3. Notifications, phone calls and texts. While you can turn off the Notifications from various apps, you can't hibernate the phone calls or text notifications. What does this mean?? If I am out for a ride and someone calls or texts, the MapMyRide will stop tracking my ride. If I don't hear the phone or text alert, I will completely miss out on tracking part of the ride. I like to use it for speed, distance and compare to a previous time on that same route.

I'm not saying that I don't like the app, I really do, I just hate to lose ride data. It is frustrating. I like to see how fast I took a climb, or how slow I took it. My slowest speed ever on a climb, while actually riding and in the saddle is 1.08 miles per hour. Hehehe, surprised I didn't fall over on the hill.

Well, tomorrow is once again a busy day. I like busy days, they keep me moving and no thinking.

**** small fair update***
trying to eat smart at the state fair is HARD!!! Too much blessed fried food!! Two days of working at the fair and I would say that I am doing great managing my intake and what I eat and drink. I have seen lots of people I haven't seen in a while. Great times!!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Celebrations abound

Hello friends, family and facebookers.

I have recently begun to notice some subtle body changes courtesy of picking up my training and correcting my dietary intake. I have never been the healthiest eater, but I am making some "colorful" changes to my diet. No, I am not dieting, I am changing what I am eating and how much of it. More fruits and veggies and smaller servings of other things.

So with the cooler weather, I have broken out the jeans I have worn the last couple of years and would start moving around the house and have to head back to the bedroom to get a belt. My pants were falling off!!! WOW!!! For me, that's insane. But what makes it more interesting is that I have had this belt for a number of years. When I fastened my belt, not really paying attention, I realized that more of the belt extended beyond the belt loop on the belt and on my jeans... by 3 whole inches!!! Are you kidding me!!

My knees continue to improve, I am getting stronger and healthier than I have been in several years. I am looking into increasing training this week with the walk, still cycling and will soon be adding some swimming. My goal is to head to the lake and start working on my open water swim. Neoprene will definitely be a must, but I also plan to have a safety plan as well, hopefully in the form of a friend in a kayak.

I must admit that I was a little disconcerted earlier today as I weighed in at the gym, which I haven't done for a couple weeks. My weight was still the same but my clothes are getting bigger. Following some research and a visit to my favorite triathlon site forums, I feel better!! What this all means basically is that I am losing fat.

So, tonight for my rest night I enjoyed a movie and time with my hubby, while inside doing the "Happy Dance!"

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

recovery ride update

Okay, following 17.38 miles on a great route, I feel great. I felt strong and fast today.

I did better on the one major climb, I know I was faster on the section I tanked about 11 days ago. I also made a great stretch down towards the end of the ride. I know we were making great time and carrying a decent pace, but right now the new is kind of making me mad. I was trying to show my husband my improvements, and just couldn't. Have to log out and back in.

My right knee is a little sore today, but no additional swelling or pain.

Night all.

Recovery Ride

Okay, so I woke up today feeling something I haven't felt in a while!! SORE!!

It's nice to feel sore rather than pain. I did my ride yesterday, fatiguing my quads and hips. My physical therapist (physical torturer) is working both legs and hips to strengthen them and get me ready to really start running again. He held off going this far while rehabbing the left knee because we didn't want to flare the right knee. Now that both are repaired, we are tackling both legs at the same time. Catching the right leg up with the left and pushing the left to do new exercises as well.

This morning was interesting as I haven't experienced that level of soreness in quite a while. It was that good workout sore.

Today I am headed out on a 17.5 mile ride to a friend's house. She is leaving her house at the same time, we are meeting along the route and then heading back to her house. This is a similar route to my first post-op ride 2.5 weeks ago. We'll see how well the quad and knee do on the bugger hill and go from there. From the 10 mile mark to the end, the route is flat to downhill, which will be a nice end to the ride. I'll follow up and post stats later. BTW, my therapist is quite happy with my progress to this point and has decided that he will continue to push me until he is ready to release me. YAY!!!! I like it when someone aside from me kicks my booty.

Pics later.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

YAY!!!! Multiple celebrations

Okay, if you have gone back in the history and read my blog archive, you will already know that I am not a runner. I was in high school and quit after a knee injury at an indoor track meet my freshman year. I stuck to softball and swimming and just never ran for fitness or fun after that.

Softball is not the best sport for knees, add the positional factor as a catcher and you know my knees were royally screwed up from so many years of catching and the up/down and dropping to block the plate and wild pitches and everything else. My knees have always been a mess. I had my first knee scope at 17 years old. I just had my 4th scope on my right knee four weeks ago and 6 months ago, I had the first scope on my left knee. After a small patellar tendon tear last summer, I walked my triathlon in October and at a followup with the Orthopod, he looked at my left knee for the first time and commented that my left knee was actually WORSE than my right knee. (WHAT????) My good knee is actually the bad knee??? WOW!!!

So I haven't been able to really throw myself into the run training for a triathlon ever because of the pain in my knees when I run.

Last night, I went for a walk that was part of my training plan for White Lake Sprint in May 2010. I decided to see how it felt to jog part of the route. OMG!!! I didn't need my flashlight last night because my smile was so big. I was able to jog, let alone downhill without pain. I was so happy that I actually went further than I planned so I could jog a little more. It felt awesome. I couldn't quit smiling last night.... I think I was even smiling in my sleep.

This morning, I had planned to go out and do a gym ride from my old gym (no membership necessary for the ride.) I woke up with a crick in my back and after many failed attempts on my own to realign it, decided that I'll go ride and it will work itself out later. I pulled in, did my basic ABC check for my bike, clipped in and off I went. For those not aware, an ABC check is Air, Brakes, Crank. Full tires, brake calipers closed, crank looked good, so off I went.

I am admittedly a hill slug, especially at this time of year. It's late in the year and actually, prior to tri training, I would hang my bike after Bike MS and look at it adoringly all winter and then pull it out in April. Today was actually my latest ride ever. I couldn't miss an 80 degree day for a ride. So we set out and knowing at least part of the route has some buggers for hills, (especially post-op) I warned the group that I would be granny-gearing up a couple and that I'd see them at the top.

I finished the ride with 17.49 miles, avg speed of 14.5, max speed of 33.1 and finished in 1 hour 13 minutes and 9 seconds. My speed in the last year has really picked up despite not riding this year like I have in the past...(I don't get it either.)

So, I am celebrating jogging for the first time in 18 months, my latest ride of the season and my furthest ride following surgery. PLUS!!!! I have crossed the 50 mile mark post-op. I am planning for a 100-150 mile month. Well, off to PT to share the celebrations with the man who has gotten me back to this point. THANKS MARC!!!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

WOW!!! What a weekend already!!

I have to say it again. WOW!!! What a weekend!! And we still have another day to go.

I was able to get my 10 minute walk in yesterday afternoon, and then attended the le Tour de Femme Ladies Night at Cycling Spoken Here. If you aren't aware, Tour de Femme is a women's only bicycle ride in Cary, NC. The ride benefits the LIVESTRONG Foundation and The Angel Fund at Rex Hospital. This is my second year cycling in this event. Last year I rode 15 miles solo, (no teammates.) I had a race the next day and didn't want to burn my legs doing too many miles in too high of a gear to stay with my teammates on the 32 mile route. It was the right decision for me as I was able to hammer the bike leg at my tri, cutting six minutes off my bike split from the previous year and then gave nearly all of it back on the run, ( which I walk).

This year, I decided on the 15 mile route for several reasons. One of which being that I consulted with my PT regarding distance to ride. I am almost 4 weeks out from surgery and while yes, I am back on the bike, my quad still hurts and the knee will swell like a balloon if I am not careful and overdo it. The second reason was that I would be attending the NC State football game with my bestest cycling buddy, Miss Sandra. Sandra always keeps me in stitches and to see how far she has com as a cyclist in the last two cycling seasons is AMAZING!!!

On our ride today, we had pretty much dusted the rest of the riders on the 15 mile route by 2 miles in. Upon closer inspection, I checked our speed in that first 3 miles, (a good chunk of that downhill,) and realized that while I thought we were booking, I didn't realize just how fast we were going. The stats from MapMyRide on my phone showed a downhill speed of 37.6 mph. OMG!!!! Really??? My fastest dowhile speed was achieved this year on a NICE downhill in Harnett County. I believe that I topped out at just over 42 mph.

Today's ride with the weather (cool and kinda chilly) with little breeze and a great route, were highly beneficial. After finishing the ride, I had some ART (Active Release) and some Acupuncture. After that, we (Sandra and I) changed into football watching clothes. After parking and then speed walking from the van to the stadium, we made kickoff with time to spare. I am counting the walk from the van to the stadium as my training walk for today.

I got my 10 minute walk in yesterday and previously (Thursday) I had my PT session and he kicked my butt hard. I needed it though.

Tomorrow is a fun day, early wakeup, volunteer at a triathlon and then breakfast with one of the ASP staffers from his past summer. She is in town to visit family and a couple of other ASP Staffers. One lives here and attends NC State, while the other is volunteering with AmeriCorps and leaving NC tomorrow or Monday.

Tomorrow is technically a rest day, but Sandra and I have decided to ride out to our course spot if we end up marshaling the course. LATER!!! Just keep moving!!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Wednesday Double Up

Today was a busy day!! After getting squirt on the bus, I settled out for a bit of relaxation then went for my walk. Walk was planned for 15 minutes. I walked 13.5 minutes which is the same loop I did Sunday with a 4 minute improvement. After that I headed to the gym for a quick workout.

I spent 10 minutes on the bike at the gym, then did some upper body lifting. More reps, less weight. Gonna try to change things up a bit. Something else I'd like to do is some boxing intervals, see if I can talk the hubby into a set of mits and gloves. 5 minute round and then a 2 minute rest. I know I'm not a boxer or mms fighter, but boxing is a great cross-training workout.

Let's see what happens.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Monday and best laid plans

Well, today's plan was for a 10 minute walk. What's the saying about best laid plans??

My mom was in an accident a couple weeks ago and had to drop her van at the body shop and pick up the rental. I ended up watching my niece from 9:15-1:00 pm. After that, ran final donations for Bike MS to the MS Society before the 5pm deadline today. Then following that I came home, sat with hubby for about 30 minutes finding out about his day. I then headed to the arena for my CPR and AED class tonight.

After spending the night up and down, kneeling and doing CPR compressions, my knee is a tad swollen and painful. I had to move the 10 minute walk in the attempt to prevent additional swelling. Fortunately, I have the ability to move the walk schedule around to fit better.

So, tomorrow has already fluxed as well. I was asked to substitute at Mae-Lei's former preschool tomorrow, so, Mae-Lei will ride the bus tomorrow and after the bus leaves, I will do my walk, shower and then head to work. After work, to the gym for the stationary bike and a little lifting. Double it up and make up the walk. FLEXIBLE!!! Something I learned from my mission trips the last couple of years.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Sunday - Rest day

Well, after a rest day that didn't feel much like a rest day, the run training officially begins. I am using the Conservative Couch to 5k plan from

This conservative plan is a 7 month plan and actually times out really well for my first triathlon in 2011. Essentially, you start out walking and the first week works out to 40 minutes. The plan for this week, is the following

Monday - 10 minute walk (for my neighborhood, probably closer to 13-15 with the route and no squirt with me.
Tuesday - No walking planned, but I am planning to lift at the gym.
Wednesday - 10 minute walk (again, closer to 13-15 minutes.)
Thursday - No walking planned but a 60 minute rehab ride after taking my daughter to school.
Friday - 10 minute walk (actually 10 this time)
Saturday - 15-30 mile bike ride in the am and 10 minute walk in the evening with the family.
Sunday - Rest day.

My husband is going on the walk-to-run journey with me and as it usually happens, he'll pass me about 4 weeks in. That's okay though because I am still rehabbing the left knee from surgery in March and the right knee is only 3 weeks out currently.

My new favorite thing is google calendars. I have posted my training plan for the triathlons on there and have been able to merge my training calendar with the family calendar and work calendar. It is free on google and you can make it public or private and if you are training with a group, you can share the training plan.

I have merged two plans from beginner triathlete into the plan and have tweaked them to fit my schedule and my goals. Rather than going for distance at this point, I am going for time. All of my plans are in minutes vs. miles. It is easier to fit into my schedule and see when I need to take a day off either for health or schedule conflicts.

My sister and my friend are part of my training group. The hope for me is that with three of us, all using the same calendar, we can start tracking our progress and encourage each other. I am at somewhat of an advantage because I have done triathlons previously, but at a disadvantage with the rehab and recovery. I normally couldn't run because of my knees but I am hopeful that with the problem fixed in both knees, once I am fully healed, I can actually run again. I used to enjoy running in school and then as my knees got worse, I grew to HATE it. I have walked the run portion of every single tri I have done.

Now here is where it gets interesting. I am not one to just waiti for New Year's to set my goals. So, without further ado, here they are. Order is not necessarily priority. I am just putting them out there so you can see them and I can see them.

1. Ride a Century
2. RUN the RUN portion of a triathlon (walk/run is okay)
3. Complete three triathlons this coming year. (With a top half finish in Athena in 1 race.)
4. Continue to inspire, motivate and mentor new cyclists with my team.
5. Break through the 170 lb. barrier. (I've been stuck at 173 for almost 4 months.)
6. Run the Quay 5k time sub 40 minutes ( 36 minute goal)
7. Complete my first OWS (Open Water Swim) in a race.
8. HAVE FUN!!!

So there they are and they may change as time goes. Life is fluid, I need to be as well. God will put me where he wants me to be. I am just along for the ride.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Trakkers GPS

Hello all, just a brief update.

Two years ago, I applied for a team sponsorship for The Spiritual Spinners and unfortunately, I didn't even make it past the first cut. Last year, I missed the deadline and so couldn't apply. This year... I MADE THE DEADLINE!!!!

I am hoping that I get the sponsorship and even better would be the team sponsorship. How many of my teammates would love to have a GPS they could wear and the family could track you on a ride?? Especially those long solo rides where you are just out beating yourself up.

I am really hoping for this sponsorship. I think it is a great product and while right now there main athletes are triathletes (yes I know I am a triathlete) I think distance cycling and multi-day tours would be huge. I have been at Bike MS and many times wondering where my teammates are who did the Century. Wouldn't it be nice to go out and find out that they are 23 miles from the finish which, depending on their average speed gives you at least an hour and no worries about missing them finishing??

Anyway.... wish me luck, hope and prayers. Also, I need to update... most recent weigh-in was 173 lbs... still maintaining down 20 lbs from the start of the year and hoping to break through the plateau that seems to have me stuck.

Just Keep Moving and remember... You never know until you tri

Long Layoff

I honestly had to step away from all things exercise related for a while. It was hard for me to want to work out and cycle and do the things I enjoy and not be able to do them. I am still fighting some health issues (undiagnosed) at this point, but Dory is becoming my friend. I do what I can when I can and rest when I have to. Sometimes it seems like I do more resting than anything else.

New Bern... I made it and was able to complete 50 miles on saturday and I sat out sunday due to some dizziness (again... undiagnosed cause.) I had my right knee fixed on that monday. As many of you remember, my recovery from the left knee surgery was long and torturous. The right knee has been the polar opposite. I am already back on the bike, crutches were gone after 3 days and I am looking forward to training for my first triathlon next year.

I am planning on doing the White Lake Sprint with a friend. I have already laid out my running training and cycling training... the pool will be difficult as my gym does not have a pool and I am trying to figure out how to get swim training in, let alone for a 750 meter swim in open water. I am really looking forward to this and hoping that I can keep pushing through whatever is going on physically.

I also know that when the body says no, sometimes I just have to listen. I have a S L O W training plan built or should I say very conservative. The run plan is a 7 month (28 weeks) plan. I start with walking and slowly progress to walking and jogging/running. I'll see how the fixed knees do and may return to strictly walking. I would like to do well with my White Lake Tri as it will be my 5th tri and my first at a lighter weight than I have been for the last several years.

Stay with me y'all. I am on the rebound and plan to just keep moving!!!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Hip Hip Hooray

Well, the last time I posted, I was quite disheartened from having experienced my first ever heat-related event.

Come to find out after several weeks of think dehydration was the only piece of the puzzle, I called my insurance company to find out what the hospital billed, I was so loopy upon leaving the hospital, I didn't really remember what they told me... Come to find out, they billed heat exhaustion. They didn't tell me that. So here I am getting frustrated that I don't seem to be making any progress on recovering from dehydration and a repeat trip to the ER a week later. I followed up with my doctor 10 days ago. His advice (as much as I hated to hear it) was to rest, rest and more rest, lots of water and gatorade and if I am going to be outside in the heat... hydrate before going outside, carry water or gatorade with me and hydrate the whole time. The worst part of the visit was when I asked him about my big ride in September in New Bern... would I recover in time to ride one day, let alone 2 days of 50 miles. His answer had me in tears... Probably not!!! Darn it... I have not missed a Bike MS event since I started riding in 2005. This is my sixth year riding and I was going to do everything I could to get there.

SO.... I started listening to my body (more.) When I was tired, I slept, I was carrying water and gatorade with me at all times... Mitch even bought me an 8 pack to keep in the fridge and drink... I was alternating the gatorade with the water. Late last week, after hours upon hours of sleep, I started to feel a bit better AND the temp and humidity broke. I decided to head outside and see how the body would respond to the bike. 3/4 mile into my ride, my arms got wobbly ( I thought it was the bike.) I pushed up to the stop sign at 1.5 miles, turned around and went home... But I was excited. I had been on the bike, I didn't feel like someone had pulled my powercord out of the outlet, AND didn't feel like crap. (aside from the fact that I only rode 3 miles.)

I spent time at Jordan Lake on saturday (8 hours worth) swimming, sitting and kayaking. The heat (mild as it was) didn't bother me. If I felt like I was getting too hot, I grabbed a gatorade, drank some and hopped back in the water to cool off. By 8pm, I was exhausted... but good exhausted!!! I was tired, but not drained. I came home and proceeded straight to bed.

Sunday, I volunteered at a triathlon in Fuquay Varina for the first ever Tri the Quay Triathlon. I enjoyed volunteering and writing random numbers on people's bodies. It was fun!! I came home, rested and spent the day doing cuddle/snuggles with my girl and watching movies.

TODAY!!!! I rode 22.8 miles in just under 90 minutes... That is an average speed of almost 15 mph. I think I will be okay for New Bern and I am still hydrating... I guess I just need more hydration that most people... Oh well, to quote Dory from Finding Nemo... "Just Keep.... drinking!!!" This has become kind of my motto lately, with cycling, triathlon and life. Just keep swimming, spinning, walking/running, drinking (hydrating) moving and praying.

Thank you all for the thoughts and prayers and please keep them coming...

I'll keep you updated on my progress through New Bern and in the lead up to surgery in October... Great news BTW, I have several interview coming up and would appreciate prayers for those... I really need a job to finance my fitness lifestyle. Unless some gym out there wants to sponsor me.

Just Keep going

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Mission trip update

Well, my mission trip is ending earlier than I would like. I will be returning to the Quay tomorrow with Jen Rosa's dad. He had already planned to leave tomorrow due to business obligations, but I will be returning with him due to an unresolved health issue. During the day on Monday, I became dehydrated, dizzy and light-headed. By dinner, I had no appetite and had gotten very pale and weak. I laid down on my air mattress to try to recover only to realize, I was getting worse. By the time we decided I needed some sort of treatment, I was so weak I had to be helped to the van, practically carried.

When we got to the ER, they took me pretty much straight back and started hooking up all the wonderful machines. After some testing, they started and iv and waited for labs to come back. I found out that my potassium was too low. Following OJ with a potassium supplement, (yuck.). I was discharged and told to rest and stay out of the heat. I looked at the nurse and asked, "You do realize why I am here, right?". Well, when I got up yesterday, I felt like I had been hit by a truck. Barely ate and went back to bed. Following some angels from another team giving me bananas and picking me up some OJ, I rallied last night and felt a little better. This morning was another step in the right direction. After breakfast, that changed. I was already feeling worn out and weak after being up only 2 hrs. I went to the worksite with my team, happy to be out of the center. By 1pm, I was done. I came back to the center and went to sleep only to be awakened by both forearms in full cramp mode. This evening after much prayer and deliberation, the concensus was for me to go home and find out what's going on. So tomorrow, I will tearfully leave my team, my group, the staff and my family to go home. I hate this, but my health and safety come first and I need to figure this out. Please keep me and Russ in your prayers as we journey home and I would greatly appreciate some healing prayers. This is also the only way I can update my facebook as this will post as a note on my page. Thanks everyone.. Love you all and God Bless!!!! ASP ROCKS!!!!!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Breaking the Law

Hello friends, family, followers and stalkers!!!

Hehehe!!! I have been somewhat lazy lately in the updating of this blog, but I have lots to share.

I guess my therapist was partly correct. Once I finally got back to full strength and function with the quad, I put on about 2-3 lbs of muscle weight. So I am currently holding steady at 172 lbs. Between travel and illness, working out and cycling have taken somewhat of a backseat. I ended June and started July with a whopper of a sinus infection. After fighting it on my own for about 2 weeks, I finally saw the doctor. Antibiotics, cough medicine and a nice drug co-pay later, we left for Ohio for our vacation to see hubby's parents.

We left for Ohio on July 3, travelling early in the day so we could maximize our time with his family. We got there around 5 in the evening, unloaded, had dinner and visited until around 10pm. At that point, with the bike still loaded, I headed to bed. I had to leave by 5:30am in order to make the bike tour in Vandalia, OH by 8am. I arrived right on time, took my time unloading the bike, and getting set up and had the mechanic check it after the journey up with stuff rolling around in the back of the van. Met up with Kelli and Rob and Matt. Kelli and Rob rode and Matt was our volunteer SAG support. The ride had SAG support but there were other issues involved so Matt came along as well. THANKS MATT!!!!

Vandalia Freedom Tour!!! OMG, this is far and away the most beautiful bike tour I have done! The views in the first 8 miles alone had me wishing for more rides like that here in NC... I am sure they exist, but I have a feeling they happen in Western North Carolina and not Eastern. Only one bad climb on the 50k route, but after that it was all gravy. After that, I visited with a high school friend and her family and then into Wilmington, OH for fireworks with the family.

I continue to watch my weight and portion sizes, but after a week in Ohio on vacation, I had put on a couple lbs, but by the time I hit the gym on saturday (July 17) it was already gone.

Since being home, I found out that my sinus infection migrated to asthmatic bronchitis while we were in Ohio. So a new antibiotic, steroids and more frequent use of my inhaler and I am hopefully on the mend. BUT... as most of you who truly know me understand... I never quit moving. I was recently asked "Do you ever stop??" my answer... sometimes. I once heard someone say that they'll have plenty of time to rest once they are dead. I kind of agree with that. You only have one life, so live it to the fullest and enjoy every minute of it. Because you never know when it's your time. That was recently driven home quite clearly last month when a friend was out riding solo and was hit by a car. I have had my share of close calls and the closest is also the most recent.

While cycling with a friend on friday, she was breaking in her new bike (which I think she has named) and I was testing new pedals and cleats. We were only about 2 miles into the ride and a van pulled along side us, just above our speed barely past us and turned across my front wheel. Thankfully the MS Society Eastern NC Chapter asks Bike Marshalls to take an advanced handling course. I was able to pedal, brake and maneuver out of a possible accident. Were I not in my Church team jersey, I may have stopped to advise the driver not to turn across the front wheel of a cyclist, but I let my good common sense win out. I kept riding.

Now, I have continued to ride in spite of my bronchitis and continue to feel better, but still wondering if I am doing more harm than good. I haven't decided yet. I continue to take my meds and rest when I can. (It's kind of hard with a 5 yr old in school.)

Finally this weekend... Friday was my easy ride to acclimate to the new pedals with Sandra. Going 14.5 miles in a little over an hour. The avg speed was 13 mph and a top speed of 35 miles an hour in a 35 mph zone. WOOHOO!!! Caught another speed limit.
Saturday was 45 minutes and 10.5 miles on the bike at the gym. 5 minutes on the dreadmill and then exercises to continue to strengthen my left knee. I also added some good old core exercises just for the fun of it and I am feeling that today.
Sunday (today) was a 12.5 mile sprint with high cadence and some good wind. I realized that I was making good time on my out and from previous rides on this route, I figured that I had definitely strengthend my speed and stamina.... until I turned around and realized I had been riding with a tail wind. Still, the goal was all out as fast as I could, so onward I went... into the headwind. I also realized that the out was flat to downhill and the back was flat to mildly uphill, but into the head wind having buried myself on the way out, it was a lot tougher. I turned at 25 minutes, and the back was in 28 minutes. Not bad. I was big gear for the last 2 miles, in the drops and pedaling for all I was worth. I looked like the big boys in France with as hard as I was pushing.

View Larger Map

Wrap it up... I know it's been a while and I KNOW I promised to post more frequently, but as a mother, wife, business owner and more... it's kind of difficult. I really enjoy writing about my experiences with this new lifestyle change. It allows others a glimpse into how to make it work. While I don't currently work full-time in a paid position, many moms wonder how to make the time. Maximize the support of your spouse... on my weekend rides and workouts, my husband is here and watching our daughter. My daughter loves to send me off with a "Go Mommy Go!!!" I like to think I am giving her a good example of how to care for yourself and staying active as you get older. I will admit.. at 37 it's a lot more difficult than it was at 27, but it's worth it. I have lost weight, lost fat, and continue to grow stronger both in body, mind and spirit. I couldn't do this without the help and support of my family... all of them. Mom and dad, Krista and Barney, my in-laws. The encourage me to continue doing what I love, which is fighting MS one mile, one pedal stroke, one step at a time. You can help me fight this battle too, by clicking the link below and donating to Bike MS and sponsoring me. If not me, then who? If not now, then when?? JOIN ME IN THIS FIGHT!!!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Post-op Update

Hello everyone...

I am finally on the mend and back on the back.

I was mildly surprised when I went to the gym the first time after surgery and weighed in... I weighed in at 171 lbs. I have continued the weight loss and am now down to 168 lbs. I don't know what I did to drop the weight aside from eating very little due to the medications I was one.

I am now back on the bike while continuing my physical therapy. I am now 11 weeks out from surgery and am pleased with my progress, I still can't run, jump or do some other things, but the good news is, I can climb stairs again, I am allowed to start doing some light lifting with my legs and I am preparing for my big bike ride in September. My furthest ride since surgery was a 20 miler on my birthday, May 15, which was only 9 weeks post-op.

I seriously underestimated this surgery. I now understand that the surgery I had done was just about the most that can be done through an arthroscope, without actually opening the knee to fix it. Additionally, I have had to relearn many things that I took for granted, including walking. By cutting the tissue that was causing the issue, the muscle balance and control in my quadriceps changed. Doing stairs was goofy for a while. An additional bonus is that when my knee swells, I definitely know it. I get a golf ball sized lump on the outside of my knee. The fun part of that is that when the knee swells, i get goofy legged because the swelling outside of the joint capsule affects the function of my quads.

Another part of the equation is the blood thinners I take when needed, (3 weeks) after the surgery. The blood thinners increased the amount of swelling and bleeding in the knee which created a set-back. While my left knee has continued to improve, I am not looking forward to having the right knee fixed in September.

I am still making sure to watch my calorie intake and portion sizes, as well as trying to maintain activity as much as possible. Right now my only cardio is walking, cycling or swimming. Little to no impact...

Unfortunately, I believe my triathlon career, (as brief as it was) is over. Unless I continue my trend of just walking the run portions or finding aqua-bike events in the area. Who knows.

I plan to update more frequently now that I am back on groove. The funny thing is, I was reveling in my weight loss until my pt decided to burst my bubble and tell me that it is most likely due to loss of muscle mass, but I have still maintained the weight even as my quad has returned and is close to normal.

My original hope with picking my blog back up was to be an inspiration to someone... I think I may have inspired myself more than anyone else, but it has to start somewhere.

Now for a brief moment of levity. Considering that since December I have lost more than 20 lbs, I still receive the stupid comments of those who are too vain to recognize that we are all different and we all have to work at different levels in order to reach our goals. Some of us naturally have a high metabolism, or better self-control than others, but if you are one of those people, please be respectful of those of us who fight body chemistry, medical conditions and who knows what else to try to maintain a healthy weight or body image. I, in no way, shape or form want to be a waif. I am happy to admit that if I do return to triathlon, at my current weight, I still qualify as an Athena, although a slightly smaller Athena, I am still an Athena with bad knees and competitive spirit, that just wants to be a shining example to the one that matters to me most... MY DAUGHTER!!!

Just remember... You never know until you try(tri)

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Day 13

Well, after a not so good nutrition day, I was able to push through a tough 60 minute workout.

30 minutes on the bicycle and 30 minutes conditioning workout, which is part of David's routine he taught me. I had to really push through considering the time and my left knee. I may have to think about seeing the orthopedist regarding my left knee. I can't really go into any kind of squat, including for work without a fair amount of pain or wanting to give out.

All told, 1755 calories consumed and 897 burned.

I will most likely be very sore tomorrow, but it is well worth it, especially if I can break through into the 170's. I need to get back to pushing myself. If I am going to do this, I have to have the discipline and strength to push myself, even when I don't want to do it.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Falling off the wagon - Day 12

Well, I fell off the wagon this week kind of hard.

Day 8
1493 calories consumed with 446 burned. Deficit of 255 calories.

I think Day 8 may have precipitated part of the fall. I worked out hard with David and then did some time on the elliptical trainer at level 12, I guess because I have always done up to level 5, I got a little disconcerted that I couldn't keep going. My hips and quads were screaming at me and I was exhausted. I think I need to take in more calories on days I am working out. Need to figure that out.

Day 9
Pretty sore from the workout the day before, even sneezing hurt my abs. (OMG)

Ate not bad I guess, but I felt horrible about what I ate. I didn't track my calories for the full day and can't remember what all I ate that night, but it was more than I should have.

Day 10
I didn't track anything. Busy morning with running all over town to get my little one registered for Kindergarten. We had to run two separate places for a total of nearly 3 hours (with the driving) then pick her up, and head to work. I was so exhausted after the days events that I did not track anything or do any workout.

Day 11
Started off good, slept in a little. watched a movie, sat on my butt. NOT GOOD!!!! Starting to slip back into the old ways.

Worked in the afternoon and I have decided to track the calories burned by sweeping and mopping the floor at work because I am always sweating when I am done. After leaving work, I headed to the Rock-a-thon at the church with my old confirmation kids. I grazed and grazed and grazed some more, plus the soda. YUCK!!! It was a fun night, but I kept thinking about everything I was going to have to do to make up for the calories taken in. Did work off some calories after getting home, but not much.

Day 12, back on track.

Writing today's blog, going to go grocery shopping with hubby and squirt and then head to the gym before work. I will get the 3.1 in on the elliptical and get my time to David. It's tough, but I have to keep pushing.

As far as the question posed on monday, I think it is harder to develop three new habits at once than it is to do one at a time. What do you think??

I did not make it to the gym, but with what I burned working, I don't think I needed to. According to both and, 3 hours of massage burns over 1000 calories. OMG!!! Really. If only my body would allow me to do more massage.

So for today, 1278 calories consumed, 1018 calories burned.

WOW. I have a deficit of 1042 calories for the day.

In the past, I would have gone to the restaurant next door to work and get a taproom burger, without the bun and chips with ranch dressing, I would say that would probably avg out to about 800-1000 calories, with the steak burger, no veggies and not sure if the chips were baked or fried. either way, I did not do that today... I took my dinner and ate at the office instead.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Day 7

Hello friends and followers,

So day 7.... I am one week into starting a new habit. It takes 21 days to start a new habit and I am simultaneously starting several. Will it take longer?? Will it take less time?? Who knows??

My habits I am building!!!

Being more aware of what I eat and how much of it.

Tracking my calories

Doing some form of exercise every day. (not there yet.)

I have done fairly well in the last week and hope to get better. Now for the interesting part, I ate Domino's Pizza yesterday, and while it tasted good, it made me feel like crap for the rest of the day. I ended up cycling at 10:15 to try to get rid of that feeling and did my longest indoor ride in probably a year. I was doing intervals and just watching some tv while spinning away. I will be doing so again tonight once my daughter is in bed for the night. She is currently settling down on the couch while watching Madagascar 2. Last night she fell asleep on the couch and I am hoping for the same tonight. It makes it a bit easier than fighting for bedtime.

I have kept my calories below 1302 for six of the last 7 days and it definitely has not been easy. I am learning and changing, but it's hard when it's more than me here. Had to eat a separate lunch from hubby and daughter to keep my calories in check.

Tonight's workout will be an easy spin for 30 minutes to get the heartrate up and burn some calories to give me a bigger deficit.

Have a good night and go get what you want.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Days 5 and 6

More cleaning around the house and reorganizing on day 5. I guess I probably burnt some calories, but not sufficient enough to even blog about.

Day 6, WOw, I can officially say I blew it today with my calories. It is 7pm and I had blown all but 80 of my calories by 3pm and I could tell by the pizza I ate that wasn't very filling. It bogged me down until I napped on the couch for several hours. I think Domino's Pizza will go by the wayside. I know hubby and daughter are eating more for dinner, but I think tuna is in my future along with a glass of milk. Then wait an hour and ride for another 2 just to burn that crap off. I feel like someone drugged me with tryptophan. It's ridiculous how lethargic I feel right now. Can barely hold my eyes open.

Calorie intake so far today is 1215 with 87 remaining for dinner. OR, I can have a good dinner with veggies and such and then work it off anyway on the bike. What do you think I should do. I know I shouldn't skip a meal, it only perpetuates the cycle. So, I guess I'll opt for the good dinner and then cycle tonight afterwards.

I guess that's the decision.


Final tally for the day.

1536 calories consumed

498 burned leaving me with a deficit of 264 calories for the day.

I hate that I ate the stupid pizza, but likely will never do so again when I realized just how bad it made me feel. Next weigh in will be thursday. Haven't made it to the gym since friday with the weather and residual effects of the snow and ice, but hopefully tuesday.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Day 4

Well, all things considered yesterday was a good day and my first rest day. I needed it as my body pump class on thursday had me so sore, I could barely move. I was running most of yesterday prepping for the weekend and the coming snow storm. I did not get time to workout yesterday anyway.

Soreness I would put at a 5/10.

I came home, unloaded some groceries, fixed dinner, worked on my steamer trunk and started the house re-org.

The desk in my living room will become my daughters once is all said and done. But need to turn the house around... it's become a dumping ground for those with not much spare time. Using the snow days to get it done.

1394 calories in yesterday, and unless sitting on your butt and shredding papers counts for burning, no burn yesterday.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Day 3

Good morning friends, followers and newly introduced to the world of the fat triathlete mom.

So, last night tried something new with my chicken. Lime and Butter chicken (2 boneless/skinless Chicken Breasts Cubed)

2 TBSP Butter
2 tsp lime juice ( i used the green bottle in the produce aisle)
place cubed chicken in frying pan with the melted butter and lime juice to sautee'
a dash of garlic powder
a dash of onion powder
a dash of mesquite seasoning
a dash of pepper
sautee' until fully cooked but still nice and juicy.


I used a little more than the 2 tsp of lime juice and it was a touch too tangy for my husband but my daughter and I LOVED it. She's almost 5 and getting her to eat chicken in any other form from a chicken nugget is tough.

total calories for the chicken, 1 cup with the spices was 375 of my 1320 calories, but with my exercise it weighed out okay and the taste was awesome.


Went to the gym today, did 15 minutes on the treadmill and a 45 minute class called body pump. I can already tell that I am going to feel it tomorrow. It felt good though.


I have lost 4 lbs in the last week!!!! YAY!!!! Down to 183 and moving right along.

Todays calorie burn at the gym was 650 calories, 935 calories consumed today so far and looking for a light, easy dinner. Let's hope this progress keeps going.

Hooray for small (big) victories. Most weight lost ever in a week for me... WOOHOO

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Low glycemic foods


A couple of years ago when I started this triathlon thing, I was told to eat or drink something low glycemic following a workout of over 40 minutes in order to recover. I said okay and kept right on going.

What is a low glycemic food, simple research says this.

Low glycemic foods are low in sugar and usually have fiber as well. (Bonus) Fresh fruits and vegetables are a good example of low glycemic foods. Some examples of these vegetables are: green beans, lettuce, spinach, zucchini, apples, cherries, peaches and oranges. I limited this list, although a better list is available on most search engines or

Some other examples are nuts, peanuts, carrots, lentils, sweet potatoes, seeds, beans, low fat milk and yogurt are also good. Meat, poultry and fish are other examples of low glycemic. Lean meats are better than those marbled with lots of fat and gristle.

I am not a dietitian or nutritionist, but this is what I am learning from my research, speaking with my nutritionist and working on my eating habits.

I have linked a page on livestrong that has a more detailed list. The above list is for me and the foods I eat. If I can find the right snacks to eat and keep moving in the right direction, I will be better for it.

Just remember, you never know until you tri

Day 2

So last night was 32 minutes of spinning with my spinervals aero base builder I. I liked it, but my heart rate climbed way too fast. I guess David is right. My heartrate goes up quickly and stays up, I need a longer recovery period in order to establish my heart rate zones. I will be monitoring that as I train each day and workout.

So yesterday was 1644, and burned 362 for a total deficit of 20 calories. Not much. YIKES!!! This is going to be harder than I thought. Tracking serving size is tough and when it comes to Cheetos or bacon, heaven help me, I can't say no.

Picture is coming later today, I will have hubby take it soon and then I will post it tonight most likely. I am trying to get in a cardio session before work and maybe a strength session later.

So far today with only breakfast and two glasses of water, my calories are at 230 and I am heading to the living room for another session with the bike. This time I am doing to do my own intervals and watch my heart rate a little more. More update later.


Okay 31 minutes on the bike in the living room, working within my target heartrate for aerobic base building. I will be able to better get this once I receive the info from my nutritionist regarding my basal metabolic rate. I will then work with my trainer to adjust my zones. It will make my training and workouts more effective if I can learn what zones to work in.

Calories burned in 31 minutes... 351 calories
Intake so far 230 and shower and lunch forthcoming.

The Good

Watching NCIS while spinning
Maintaining my heartrate in the right zones
Working in my big chain ring
Only water no sports drink
Good Sweat

The Bad

My butt hurts from last night
Hungry (too hungry)
not maintaining a level with nutrition
need to quit sweating for an hour afterward so I can get ready for work.

Day 2 pretty much done. I am in a calorie deficit of nearly 600 calories between intake and burned. NICE!!! Will reward myself tonight with a 1/2 cup of vanilla ice cream and a TBSP of hersheys chocolate syrup. I may just be getting the hang of this stuff.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Here we go

Okay, so in conjunction with my trainer at the gym, I am now using daily plate to track my calorie intake and burn. I need to do this to remind myself what is going in vs. what I am using.

I have yet to post my before picture. I have to admit, i am a tad bit embarrassed that I let myself get to this point. The good news is that since my last weigh-in at the gym, I have lost 2.5 lbs and that includes the week at disney, christmas, new years and lots of unhealthy and fattening food.

The fast food is doing better. In 10 days, we have had 3 eat outs. That is a huge cut from what we used to do. If we can keep that up, we'll save money and get healthier.

On the down side. I saw my orthopedist in december and as many of you know, I played softball for a very long time. Catching for much of it. He took a look at my right knee, did some testing and then tested the left. As some of you know, my right knee has always been my worst. I can't even remember at this point if it is 3 scopes or 4 on that knee. He told me that my left knee is now worse than my right. In the last week, I have noticed it more and it has been by far, more painful. So, here are the goals... Are you ready??? I think I am.

One year..... 50 lbs and a new body.

You all need to keep me going. With working two jobs and a 4 yr old, it's going to be tough, but what can I say. I promise to do my best to update daily and see where it goes. Who knows, maybe this will turn into Julie/Julia. But I don't have a Julia. Maybe I can be somebody elses Julia. I will be as honest as I can, please do me the same courtesy.

I am not doing this for any other reason but to improve myself. So, here we go.