Friday, July 18, 2008

Nancy Cooper

This post is in memory of Nancy Cooper. I never knew her personally, but remember seeing her running along one of the same paths I cycle and also drive. I read that she was missing while we were on vacation out of state and realized that this was a route that I frequently ride. This hit very close to home. I suddenly realized I needed to be more vigilant in my riding. I usually get on the bike and it is my chance to shutout life and the world.
I don't care who murdered this woman, it's a scary reminder that those of us who go out to train solo for our events, whether it be a marathon or a triathlon or a 150 mile bike ride, need to be cautious. I plan to carry pepper spray or something with me on my bike. We are so vulnerable out there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Although I live in Raleigh, I just wanted to let you know... that because of what happened to Nancy Cooper...I just ordered a pepper spray on ebay today and plan to enroll in a self defense course... first time I've bought pepper spray since I was in college... which was in the 90's... and that was due to being on a college campus and often having to wlk or bike home alone at night. It's just such a sad case, but reminded me that I need to take some form of self protection out with me... besides the "there are other people out and arnd" defense. duh! (linked to your blog from Beg tri. com) Have a great day!