Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Back to Training

Okay, so I have been incredibly lazy.

I have also been sick. So starting tomorrow, I am back on track. The MS150 is coming up in September, my next Tri is in October. I have done some cycling and some jogging, but no swimming in quite a while. I am working my training plan from my favorite site, They are amazing. You can build your plan and tweak it from one of their basic plans. I used a basic plan to start for my first tri and now I will build from that to go on for my October Tri with a heavy bike load. I need a heavier bike load with the MS150 a month before. I may be doing a tri the week before as part of a relay. It is a club(gym) challenge. We'll see if I get a team. I want to do the bike, but if I can't get a team, I won't do it. I won't do a full tri, sprint or not, the week before the MS150.

In previous summers I have devoted the whole summer to training for the MS150 and nothing else. This year has been different, I have already done several rides, hosted a ride, done a triathlon, lots of training and lost 26 lbs. I have already had quite a year. I will take a week off to go to Ohio for vacation in July. I won't even take the bicycle as I have in years past, but I will probably jog. Taking 3 pairs of tennis shoes. My running shoes and two pairs to kick around in.

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