Saturday, January 31, 2009

Streaking --(no, not that kind)

I am not doing the middle of the football field streak... I am doing a training streak.

It is a challenge on my triathlon site. It's called the february peach challenge. For every day we log some kind of training, whether it is lifting, spinning, running, swimming or basketball, dancing or just a good paced walk with the hubby. It counts. It has to be at least 30 minutes and get your heart rate up.

The hard part will be this coming weekend. I have a trip to Savannah, GA with the MS Society and other bike team captains. Friday and Sunday are travel days. Unless I get up early or workout after arriving either in Savannah or back at home. My streak will be broken early. I decided to start streaking early. I finished January with 2 consecutive days. Friday was spinning in the morning with a 32 minute spin and then one hour of basketball on friday night. (bruised hand followed.) Today was dancing and wrangling a pack of 13 3-6 yr olds during chinese dance class. I couldn't believe how hard I was working. Plan for tomorrow is a light day and possibly some yoga. Either that or a boxing video I have. I also have some light weights and going to be starting the pushup challenge once the hand is healed. Good night for now friends and training partners. Keep in touch. Send your inspirational thoughts or challenges. Challenge me to something and I will try to complete it as part of my challenge to go 28/28 for the month of February.



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